
Research Article

Research of possibilities of studying the areas of development of erosion of slope lands in Azerbaijan and fight it

Rans Aliev ZH*

Published: 15 July, 2019 | Volume 3 - Issue 1 | Pages: 040-044

The study proved that in gully systems with the largest catchment area ranging from 5.0 to 28.8 km2, the degree of dismemberment of gully systems is small, varies mainly from 1 to 3 km / km2, less often from 3 to 5 km / km2. As can be seen, the average annual growth of ravines is 0.34 ... 7.48 m in length, 0.20 ... 2.48 m in width, 0.10 ... 1.16 m in depth. The intensity of erosion development (ravine, planar, etc.) is mediated by their catchment area. Moreover, the degree of division of individual gully systems here is not dependent on their catchment area, moreover, the greatest dissection is observed in gully systems that have the smallest catchment area, which is associated with the conditions of their location.

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Gully erosion; Arid zones; Erosion; Republic of azerbaijan found that gully erosion covers


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