
Research Article

Wave Forces on Vertical Structures in Shallow Water: Numerical Evaluation

Fabio Dentale*, Ferdinando Reale, Angela Di Leo, Eugenio Pugliese Carratelli and Marina Monaco

Published: 31 March, 2017 | Volume 1 - Issue 1 | Pages: 020-033

The actions exerted by waves on a coastal structure very much depend upon hydrodynamic processes that originate on shallow waters; even though significant progresses have been made in the last few years towards a full understanding of wave breaking, design work is still largely based on classical stability formulas. The recent availability of reliable models based on the numerical integration of full Navier-Stokes equations provides an important tool, but the evaluation of forces on vertical structures in shallow waters is still a particularly delicate application because of the complex hydrodynamic issues involved.

The paper presents deals with the numerical simulation of wave effects on front of a vertical obstacle on a sloping bottom, with the objective of clarifying some physical issues which are relevant towards the applicability of numerical Navier-Stokes simulation as a design tool.

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Volume of fluid; Wave forces; Numerical simulations; Reynolds averaged navier-stokes equations


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